Put Your Second Brain to Work — the Right Way in South Sioux City NE

Put Your Second Brain to Work — the Right Way in South Sioux City NE

Put Your Second Brain to Work — the Right Way in South Sioux City NE?

Startling Facts:

  • An estimated 60 million Americans have a digestive disease.
  • Americans spend $2 billion a year on over-the-counter heartburn medications alone.
  • Digestive problems are some of the top issues that send people to their doctors.
  • The Digestive System and brain have a unique relationship and constantly communicate. The health of one has a tremendous effect on the other.

“Ever ‘gone with your gut’ to make a decision or felt ‘butterflies in your stomach’ when nervous? You’re likely getting signals from an unexpected source: your second brain.”

- Johns Hopkins Medicine

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Let’s imagine that your Structural System is now supported with real food. Now the Digestive System’s job is to break the food down into smaller materials that can enter the bloodstream.

A few years ago, Jennifer appeared a little uncomfortable as she sat down in the office and began to share her story. “I have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). I have acid reflux, frequent gas, bloating, and pain in my abdomen. This has been going on for over 10 years and seems to be getting worse.” She had been taking prescriptions for acid reflux and pain medication, but with little benefit.

She was overweight, moody, irritable, and at times, even depressed. She had also been diagnosed with psoriasis—an autoimmune condition that caused plaque to form on her skin. Her lab tests showed mild obesity, elevated inflammatory markers, and a vitamin D deficiency (often linked to an autoimmune disease).

Let’s see how Jennifer's life changed by fixing the Digestive Systems in South Sioux City NE.

A Brief Introduction to The Digestive System in South Sioux City NE

The Digestive System is also referred to as the gut, gastrointestinal tract, or GI tract, but don’t get lost in semantics. Most people know the basic digestive process.

First, you chew food. Next, it goes into the stomach where acids and enzymes are dumped in. Then, the food passes through the small intestine where nutrients are extracted. And finally, the waste goes to the colon and out of the body.

This is what we have been taught.

But this summary leaves out a vital player—the brain. Once we understand the relationship between the Digestive System and the brain, a brand-new world opens up, and we are closer to solving weight loss problems and health issues.

The brain is considered part of the Digestive System because it impacts why we eat, when we eat, and how we eat. Digestion, cravings, and addictions originate in both the brain and gut. If you ignore either, you will struggle with losing weight and getting healthy. But the opposite is true too—if you get them working together properly, then achieving your health goals will be much easier.

7 Signs That Your Digestive System Is Working Against You:

  1. Difficulty keeping your weight under control, even though you watch your diet
  2. Alternating between constipation and urgency
  3. Indigestion, intestinal gas, bloating, gastric reflux, or bad breath
  4. Stomach or intestinal pain
  5. Headaches
  6. Food allergies or sensitivities
  7. Depression or mood swings

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Meet Jennifer

Jennifer appeared a little uncomfortable as she sat down in the office and began to share her story. “I have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). I have acid reflux, frequent gas, bloating, and pain in my abdomen. This has been going on for over 10 years and seems to be getting worse.” She had been taking prescriptions for acid reflux and pain medication, but with little benefit.

She was overweight, moody, irritable, and at times, even depressed. She had also been diagnosed with psoriasis—an autoimmune condition that caused plaque to form on her skin. Her lab tests showed mild obesity, elevated inflammatory markers, and a vitamin D deficiency (often linked to an autoimmune disease).

Her health history revealed a poor diet lacking vegetables and full of junk food, two diet soft drinks per day, and use of antibiotics the prior year for bronchitis.

We needed to face the facts and address her Digestive System. We began by giving her a high dose of vitamin D3, probiotics, a functional food (GI Restore), and the 7 Systems Plan.

After three months, she achieved her ideal weight. She no longer suffered from acid reflux and was off her prescriptions. All her GI distress had disappeared. A second round of tests revealed normal levels of Vitamin D, and her inflammatory markers were normal. Even her psoriasis was on the fast track to being fully resolved. She had moved from feeling depressed and miserable to enjoying life again and was all smiles at her last visit to my office.

In the coming newsletters we will give you tips to optimize the function of the Digestive System.

How to Make Fermented Vegetables

From Teresa’s 7 Systems Kitchen

Chiropractic South Sioux City NE Fermented Vegetables

Introducing GI Restore

Chiropractic South Sioux City NE GI Restore

The 7 Systems Plan helps us to live life to the fullest! The 7 Systems Plan focuses on improving all areas of your health.

For your health

Dr. Pat


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8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

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Tri-State Physicians &
Physical Therapy Clinic

3900 Dakota Avenue #6
South Sioux City, NE 68776

(402) 494-5173